Hi there! I'm a PhD student (Aug. 2024-) at School of Computing, NUS, advised by Prof. Lin Shao. I am supported by the President's Graduate Fellowship (PGF).
I obtained my B.Eng (Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2024) in Robotics 🤖 from Zhejiang University, where I am lucky to work with Kechun Xu, Prof. Rong Xiong and Prof. Yue Wang.
My research interests lie in robot learning and dexterous manipulation 🦾. I'm open to collaborations on robotics related projects! Feel free to contact me👋.
\(\mathcal{D(R,O)}\) Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping
In Submission
Introduce a novel representation, \(\mathcal{D(R,O)}\) for dexterous grasping tasks. This interaction-centric formulation transcends conventional robot-centric and object-centric paradigms, facilitating generalization across diverse robotic hands and objects.
ManiFoundation Model for General-Purpose Robotic Manipulation of Contact Synthesis with Arbitrary Objects and Robots
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024
Oral Presentation
Introduce a framework taking contact synthesis as a unified task representation that can generalizes over objects, robots, and manipulation tasks.
Diff-LfD: Contact-aware Model-based Learning from Visual Demonstration for Robotic Manipulation via Differentiable Physics-based Simulation and Rendering
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023
Oral Presentation
Propose a pipeline to learn dexterous manipulation from human video demonstrations. It includes self-supervised pose and shape estimation via differentiable rendering and contact sequence generation via differentiable simulation.
Object-centric Inference for Language Conditioned Placement: A Foundation Model based Approach
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM) 2023
Propose a framework that enhances pre-trained LLMs and VLMs through few-shot residual learning in robotic placement tasks, improving generalization to new instructions and objects while increasing sample efficiency.
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Conference Reviewer
Journal Reviewer